HTMLHTML GET requests100%
HTML POST requests50%Some bugs still experienced. Long post requests fail.
Dynamic content: Automatic file indexes100%
Dynamic content: Server generated pages 100%Error codes (such as 404 error) reported to the web browser properly.
Dynamic content: Server-side Image Maps100%
MIME types support100%
CGI scripts support100%
Search engines60%Partial functionality with Comet and Yahoo search.
Page view counters100%
HTML web chats75%In progress.
Web browser plugins support50%Shockwave and Flash supported in Netscape and IE browsers.
News client support0%Planned for a future release.
Multimedia streaming services90%Warpstream has been released which allows streaming in Flash, Real Video and Windows Media formats
WAP sites0%Planned for a future release.
FTPServices on FTP80%FTP sites are currently only accessible with a web browser. FTP clients might be supported in the future, if a supported proxy protocol is found.
MIME types100%
System generated file indexes100%
System generated pages100%Error conditions handled and presented to the web browser.
File descriptions in file indexes95%General support. Might have some bugs and may lack some extra features that will be added in the future.
GOPHERServices on Gopher25%Preliminary support added.
TELNETTelnet services0%Planned for a future release.
IRCInternet Relay Chat Server25%
#Protoweb channel which is bridged to our Discord server at Libera IRC has been added (see servers page for more information)
MessengerMSN/Windows Live Messenger0%Planned for a future release.