- With EudoraWeb open, press the Menu button on your Palm, tap Options, then tap Preferences.
- Tap -None- next to Proxy.
- Under Host: type in the following address: wayback.steptail.com
- Under Port: type in the port number of your chosen server. Consult the server list and choose a port number.
- Tap OK, then OK again to close the preferences pane.
You can start using the service by navigating to http://welcome.inode.com. To do this press the Menu button on your Palm, then tap Visit Location. Type the URL, then tap OK.
Note: If you are running EudoraWeb 2.1 in the Palm OS Emulator (POSE), you need to set the POSE DNS in the EudoraWeb Preferences to get a working internet connection. To do this tap the POSE DNS button in the Preferences window. Then enter the default IP address of your router or the address of another DNS server like Google DNS.